Why Winter Is Such A Potent Time for Cleansing

Call me crazy, but I love January.

I find there is a sweet stillness, quietude, and nothing-ness that helps set the tone for our emergence. Winter summons us into this deeply inward space...into our bodies, into our dreams and into our spirit.

As January comes to a close and we approach the Lunar New Year on 1/29, I believe that this time of year holds a tremendous potency of magic and potential. Now is the time that the quiet is whispering for us to revisit those commitments for change the that we may have initiated earlier this month. As the winter slowly creeps towards the first spark of Spring, we can begin to regenerate our light and awaken from the inside out. 

When you read those words: "awaken from the inside out;" does it stir something in you that is ready to transform?

Is there a new layer of body nourishment?
A heart opening?

An aura strengthening? 
An intuitive development?
A courageous creative unveiling?
A relationship deepening with yourself, loved ones and life itself? 

Water Being, this may the time to recommit to these callings. I feel life becomes so much more simple when you follow through on your spirit's whispers. (or shouts)... 

There is less inner turmoil because you build a muscle of self-trust and peace within yourself. You become willing to look at all of the limiting beliefs that you've been carrying on your back, so that you can finally put them down.

This is why this time of year is my favorite for starting a cleanse, because we are in this sweet spot of inward presence with outward shining on the horizon. You can emerge into Spring 2025 a renewed you, and now is the time that you can become the vessel

If any of these words ring true to you, I hope you will join the growing circle of water beings saying yes to the Aura Toning Cleanse this winter. We begin on the Lunar New Year 1/29 and will wrap on Holi, Festival of Color on 3/14. Read more on our site what we will be doing in the cleanse. I can't wait to welcome you.

With excitement for the alchemy that is about to unfold,

Rianne Vesuto

aura toning is a workout that helps us transform our energy using movement, water and light.


How The Aura Toning Cleanse Changed Me


Why We Sweat In Aura Toning