Why I Bring Water Healing Into Exercise
As I'm excitedly preparing for our 7 day water body reset, I've been deepening my apprenticeship with the somatic body... in particular our origins as beings of water.
We carry the saline solution of the ocean in our blood - our structure holds the possibility, our water body holds the memory, of earlier aquatic forms we used to have.
As our aquatic evolution found ourselves on shore our new relationship to gravity began. We started to develop weight bearing limbs, brains in our heads (rather than our bellies) and eventually, language and words.
For as long as I can remember, I have been at odds with the concept of words.
I can’t tell you how many times I have encountered this when I want to tell someone how much I love them. The feelings are alive in me, swirling and buzzing with effervescence. I want to let outside what I feel on the inside, yet suddenly the words seem to fall flat as soon as they pass my lips.
In my ongoing studies of the water body, I spend a lot of time in the non verbal… directing my awareness into the water of the cells, the tissues, the aura, the eyes, the skin, the somatic world...
and it feels like so much happens there. Universes upon universes unfold.
And then I open my mouth to process this into this human language and all of a sudden something that was once shimmering has become less precious.
Similarly, I sometimes see this in people with incredible luminous bodies, but are conversing with others in a petty, selfish, small-hearted way unbefitting of their massive Love potential…In these moments, it feels like I’m talking to a prevailing story inside of them instead of their actual core essence.
It can be frustrating.
I often find myself thinking “I wish we didn’t need to use words!”
I know a lot of magical, sensitive people feel this way too.
When we separate from the water of our felt experience…and spend too much time in processing, analysis, words, we start to source what we are sharing, not from the core of our being but from a ‘story.’
A mind-made story that we are spinning, that isn't intrinsic to our essence.
We tuck these fabricated stories away in different parts of our bodies and it causes disturbance and stagnation in the water body, because these stories are limiting, calcifying and hard. This leads to our bodies hardening... reflecting our energy.
I think about the evolution of humans form ocean to land, and how over time we got more and more and more dense.
Ancient cultures used to share story from a place of source - the radiant heart, the spirit. I think this is because our forbearers remembered the water more than the modern human does, and was storytelling from a place of listening reverence.
I believe when we redirect our energy away from hard, stuck, going-no-where stories we are imposing onto our body; and into our body’s story, this is will un-dam our water bodies, unjam our minds, and guide us home to our intrinsic way of being.
This is why I love working with the language of the moving body. It makes redirection uncomplicated.
Similar to immersing our senses underwater, moving the waters of our bodies redirects our current for us to swim and journey through.
We will be exploring these themes strongly in The Redirect and later The Cleanse (exact dates announced soon.) The movements in this 7 day reset will be gentle, yet strong, and focus on our experiential, somatic, watery existence.
I also offer 1 on 1 sessions to go even deeper and receive personalized guidance.
I hope you will join us in this season water body exploration. Please reach out with any questions.