“My Spirit Baby Reading was an amazing gift that will continue to live on. This session helped me to feel so much more at ease about the path that my soul is calling me on– in regards to being a mother but also embracing and leading a more spiritual life that is outside the paradigm I’ve been used to operating in. This reading was such a gift and a blessing and I’m so grateful to you and all of your beautiful talents. Thank you a million times over. I really needed to connect with these Spirit Babies to remember my true self and why I’m here and to remember that Spirit is leading towards a beautiful, happy life– a life of my dreams that my mind would never have imagined possible or been able to create. So grateful for this gift and to be able to connect with my spirit babies on such a deep level. I feel their presence more now and notice myself welcoming them with open arms.”


“This offering was truly one of the most beautiful healing sessions I’ve ever received. I understood details about two spirit babies of mine but the more important info was what they had to offer me. Guidance for now. How to embody who I am, so I can pave the clearest path for them to come through. I can’t wait to go deeper.”


“The preparation, communication and safe space that Rianne holds is so powerful. 

Her presence and guidance from the beginning, throughout, into the end was so organic and in flow, and really allowed me to relax and go deeper. I could feel the presence of my spirit baby integrated in my field and it felt so loving and wonderful.

The experience deepened the connection I had and allowed me to feel more comfortable listening and expressing with my spirit baby. 

Rianne’s insights were clear and on the nose, affirming a lot of what I had felt and heard, and she suggested fun practices and tips for me to try, bringing to light areas I never explored before.”